
Rainford Precision represents Hobe micro tools at the MACH2024 - 13.02.2025

Rainford Precision represents Hobe micro tools at MACH 2024 in Birminigham (UK)

We're proud to be represented by our partner Rainford Precision Limited at this years MACH 2024.
Date: 15.04.2024 - 19.04.2024 
Location: Stand 19-409

New product catalogue - 13.02.2025

Le nouveau catalogue de produits est arrivé !

Dans la nouvelle brochure en papier glacé de 148 pages, nos clients trouveront toute la gamme de produits, en partie élargie, de Hobe GmbH.

Outre l'aperçu éprouvé et informatif des micro-outils respectifs, on y trouve également les données de processus correspondantes, un aperçu de la branche, ainsi que - tout nouveau - notre contribution au thème de la durabilité.

Pour tous ceux qui souhaitent jeter un coup d'œil à notre gamme de produits actualisée avant de recevoir l'exemplaire imprimé, nous proposons également de télécharger le catalogue au format PDF convivial.

Votre équipe Hobe

New Partnership in the USA - 13.02.2025

New Partnership in the USA!

We are proud to announce that Fullerton Tool Company and Hobe microtools have partnered up to serve customers in the United States starting March 1st 2024.

The excellent service and knowledge of the Fullerton Team and their partners, combined with Hobe's outstanding products and quality for the inner shaping of small bores on Swiss Machines, will bring a huge benefit on productivity and quality to the Swiss Machining customers in the US.

Two years of war - 13.02.2025



Two years of war and no end in sight...

We at HOBE continue to stand for tolerance, peace, solidarity and democracy.

Unfortunately, fear and distress are still omnipresent in central Europe. For two years, the war with constant air raids and attacks has determined the everyday lives of millions of children in Ukraine. Time and time again, the weakest members of our society have to find their way to safety.

We continue to support UNICEF in its tireless efforts to ensure that the children of Ukraine can find new hope.

Your Hobe Team

TMTS 2024 à Taiwan avec GSTC - 13.02.2025

Micro-perçages 2024 - 13.02.2025

New Drill Bits!

Finally the time has come! We are pleased to present you our new drill bit portfolio 2024.

Our high-performance drills DRS (short version 3 x Ø) and DRL (long version 6 x Ø) as part of the product family spinin® are growing. The drills are available with a diameter of 0.3mm to 6mm.

More information can be found here.

Your Hobe Team

Sustainability is more than just a promise! - 13.02.2025


Sustainability is more than just a promise - At Hobe we act!

Since the beginning of the second quarter, we have been sending all of our shipments to you with "UPS carbon neutral", out of conviction.

Another contribution to reducing our CO2 footprint.

As a medium-sized company, we will continue to do everything we can in the future to reconcile ecological improvements and economic activity.

Your Hobe Team

We do not forget! - 13.02.2025



Solidarity and Support:

We at HOBE continue to stand for tolerance, peace, solidarity and democracy.

Unfortunately, even after 12 months, the suffering in Ukraine has still not come to an end. The events have turned millions of innocent civilians into refugees.

The almost daily attack from the air, especially on the infrastructure, makes the situation more and more unbearable. In the heart of Europe, this is an unbearable situation that must never become normal.

All Europeans are called to action and continued support.

We have decided to help the displaced people in the crisis area again and support the work of the UNHCR financially with a donation.

Your Hobe Team

Inde - 13.02.2025

India - A market with a strong future

Many thanks to our Indian sales partner ZECHA Precision Tools Ltd. and all the best for the IMTEX exhibition in Bangalore, India, which starts today, Thursday 19th January.

The fast-growing medical market in India offers great potential. Together we will present more details about Hobes' micro tools specifically for the medical industry in the next issue of Machine Tool World.

Your Hobe Team

ISO 9001:2015 Certificate till 2025 - 13.02.2025

Sucsessful re-certification

Our new ISO 9001:2015 certificate,valid till 2025, is now available.
Download it here.

AMB 2022 over - 13.02.2025

An extremely successful comeback of the AMB

The 20th edition of the AMB brought an excellent mood to the exhibition halls and the industry. 64,298 visitors made their way across the fully booked Stuttgart exhibition center over five days. Thus, the AMB once again became the center of the metalworking industry.

We were very pleased about the numerous visits to our stand and the intensive exchange with you. Finally a personal and direct meeting again, which has been sorely lacking in the last two years.

We are already looking forward to AMB 2024.

Your Hobe Team

Nouveaux Produits 2022 - 13.02.2025

Précision µ dans toutes les positions - Porte Outil avec system borin®

Nous avons élargi notre portefeuille juste à temps pour l'AMB à Stuttgart.
De nouveaux porte-outils supplémentaires avec notre interface borin® éprouvée, pour l'usinage latéral et arrière et en version avec serrage hydro-expansible complètent notre gamme.

Vous trouverez ici nos systèmes de porte-dépliants.

Rendez-nous visite dans le Hall 3 sur notre stand D57.

Votre équipe Hobe

Innovations produits à l'AMB - 13.02.2025

Our suitcases are packed! - The countdown is running.

Only a few days left, kickoff on September 13th for the AMB 2022 in Stuttgart.

Experience our innovations and new products first-hand.
We look forward to an intensive dialogue with you, finally again personally on site.

Visit us in Hall 3 at our booth D57.

Your Hobe Team

MedtecLIVE with T4M 2022 - 13.02.2025

 Successful start of the new trade fair MedtecLIVE with T4M:

With the merger of the two trade fairs MedtecLIVE and T4M, a new trade fair format was able to connect the important medical regions in the heart of southern Germany. The special thing about this first MedtecLIVE with T4M was the international appeal: From May 3rd to 5th, 2022, more than 430 exhibitors from 23 European countries were represented.

After a two-year break due to the pandemic, MedtecLIVE with T4M was a successful start and made us want more - we are already excited about the AMB in September 2022 and are looking forward to the "analogue" contact and good conversations with colleagues and customers.

Many thanks to everyone who visited us during these 3 days here in Stuttgart.

Yours Hobe Team

TTB Next - 13.02.2025

 Our journey continues - fit for the future!:

Yesterday we received our next CNC grinding center from TTB Engineering SA. It will already make its contribution to the series production of our micro tools next week.

With the NEXT model, we are relying on stability, accuracy in the µm range and reliability that has been tried and tested for us for many years, with even greater efficiency, so that we can continue to provide our customers with the precision our tools are known for in the future.

We are particularly pleased, thanks to our long-standing partnership with TTB, to be able to use this new generation of devices as one of TTB's first customers. This means that we are also well prepared for your increasing demands in the future.

Yours Hobe Team

Video Library - NEWS! - 13.02.2025

BRM - Single tooth broaching, a simple explenation:

Our new explanatory video for single-tooth broaching of hexagonal profiles with our broachin® system is now available for download.

Our team will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Your Hobe Team

Guide to German Medtech Companies 2022 - 13.02.2025

Medical technology is getting back on track

Hobe GmbH is represented in the "Guide to GermanMedtech Companies 2022" as a member of the VDMA Medical Technology Working Group for the second time already. We are thus further strengthening our position in medical technology. You will find us in the current, seventh edition of the guide on pages 72/73.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information!

Yours Hobe Team

Le nouveau est arrivé! - 13.02.2025


Le nouveau est arrivé!

Juste à temps pour le Dreh- et Spantage (DST) en octobre, notre nouveau catalogue est prêt. Il est désormais disponible en téléchargement ici.

Avec le DST de Villigen-Schwenningen, nous sommes heureux de pouvoir faire un pas de plus vers la normalité et de vous accueillir à nouveau personnellement du 20 au 22 octobre.

Votre équipe Hobe



The HOBE borin® System, a simple explenation:

Our system has been developed for efficient turning of „micro-bores“. Remarkable are the small dimensions, precision and the coolant-channel through the holder and in the tool-bits.

The changing of the tool-bits is done by hand, without any further device. The precision of our system tools and the special pick-up system of our tool-holder has a repeatability of usually ± 5 μm.

Link to Video

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

Your Hobe Team

50 Years Hobe GmbH | micro tools - 13.02.2025


We celebrate our 50th anniversary!

We turned 50 on July 1st.

Last Friday we were able to celebrate this event with our team on a small scale and with great fun.

At this point we would like to thank all our customers and suppliers for the long partnership and hope for many more years of cooperation.

Your Hobe Team

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